Automated Software Сode Verification
Fast and secure verification of code uniqueness. Increasing code quality.
How AppRefactoring helps create a professional code?
- Avoiding bans from the App Store and Google Play services
The main reason for banning accounts and applications is similar or copied code in the project. With the help of code analysis tools, you can easily find defects in the source code of programs. Using the analyzer, you can compare your project with a huge database in just a few clicks and exclude the possibility of a ban on IOS and Android by replacing the structure of identical files, methods, variables.
- Assistance in detecting unscrupulous developers, freelance programmers, contractors
Working with freelance developers or contractors, there is no guarantee that the project and code you receive have not been copied or taken from somewhere on the Internet. The platform has the function of project analysis with the entire code base of our service, and not just with your projects. In this case, no one will see yours or someone else's code, you will only see matches and intersections that you can remove or leave.
- Fast and high-quality change of the same code (refactoring, obfuscation) and work with template applications
The analyzer displays all sections of code, specific files, classes, and lines that have intersections. Service to effortlessly multiply the parent project and make hundreds, thousands of subprojects, at the same time, checking them for uniqueness. Refactoring is a controlled process of improving code without writing new functionality. The result is clean code and simple design. Application refactoring is useful for extending the life of an application, adding needed new functionality, strengthening security, or adding support for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android, which can expand an application’s reach through the app stores for those new platforms. The obfuscator tool automatically converts simple source code into a program that works the same, but is more difficult to read and understand. This is a great way to protect your software.
- The ability to support convenient file formats and programming languages
The service supports .xml , .json., .xml, .json., .java, .kt, .swift, .php, .js, .py, .xml, .html, .json. - simple text-based formats for representing structured information. You can also test your written code in such programming languages as: Java, Kotlin, Swift, С#, JavaScript, Typescript, GO, PHP, Objective-C. Moreover, this list will expand in the near future.
- Resource Saving
Thanks to the automatic operation of our service, you can save time, money, and nerves. In just one click, the robot determines the code uniqueness and coding errors and can unify it if necessary.
- Shadow indexing protection
Developing websites, especially template sites, there is a chance that your site may not be indexed due to the same code. The App refactoring can also work with web projects and helps you to find accidental and intentional cases of code plagiarism, duplication.